
What Retirees Need to Know About Cybersecurity

January 20, 2020

What Retirees Need to Know About Cybersecurity with Wayne Robinson

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What Retirees Need to Know About Cybersecurity Show Notes

Retirees are now living their lives and doing business online, relying on all sorts of products and tools to manage their finances, keep in touch with loved ones, and keep their homes warm and secure. However, this also means that there are now more opportunities than ever before for cybercriminals to take advantage of you, steal your identity, and take your money.

Many businesses have teams to help protect their employees, but few have anything similar at home, where the effects of a successful cyberattack can be devastating. To make matters worse, many people are unaware of what’s going on until it’s too late. This is why Wayne Robinson, one of our advisors at Barber Financial, recently got a certificate in cybersecurity. He’s teaching our clients through classes and webinars how to stay safe online and make the most of their personal technology.

Today, Wayne joins the podcast to talk about the many different ways retirees can fall victim to cyberattacks, why the criminals responsible for them are all but impossible to catch, and the simple steps you can take right now to reduce your risk factors by as much as 85%.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • Why personal devices like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home are perfect tools for spying on you – and how to stay safe if you use them.
  • Why you may receive targeted ads about products you’re talking about just minutes before those ads appear on your screen – and how your devices could use your intimate conversations against you years later.
  • How ransomware works, why it’s nearly impossible to catch the people using it, and what you can do to protect yourself.
  • The reason you may not want to use services like Google Drive.
  • The seven simple security practices you can use to massively reduce your risk of identity theft, monetary loss, or extortion.
What Retirees Need to Know About Cybersecurity - Events Calendar

Inspiring Quote

  • Just because you don’t feel it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening all the time.”
    Wayne Robinson
  • If there’s no success in it, the criminals will eventually go away.” – Wayne Robinson

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[00:00:10] Dean Barber: Welcome to The Guided Retirement Show. I’m your host, Dean Barber, Managing Director at Modern Wealth Management. So, you’ve all heard all the concerns about cybersecurity. You’ve seen major department stores hacked. You’ve seen banks been hacked and big corporations held ransom through ransomware. Maybe you’ve had your credit card information compromised. Maybe you’ve had your identity stolen. Wayne Robinson, he’s a financial advisor here at Modern Wealth Management.

He took it upon himself to get a certification in cybersecurity. Wayne is now teaching classes for our clients and prospective clients here at Modern Wealth Management through the form of both webinar and classroom style. And today, we’re going to interview Wayne and we’re going to talk a lot about cybersecurity. And whatever you think you know about cybersecurity, it’s probably not enough.

I do want to encourage you, don’t have any sharp instruments next to you because you might want to stab yourself in the eye as you’re listening to some of the things that are going on out there in the cybersecurity world. But take good notes. And make sure that you share this episode of the podcast, The Guided Retirement Show, with all of your friends and all of your relatives because there’s something here that’s going to be relevant to just about every single person you know. Enjoy.


[00:01:38] Dean Barber: So, we’re joined by Wayne Robinson here on The Guided Retirement Show to talk about security. You know, Wayne, it’s interesting when people think about security in retirement, and by the way, that’s what we deal with as financial planners is security in retirement. A lot of people their mind tends to go to the security of their underlying investment. Is it FDIC insured? Is my investment safe? You know, am I going to be okay? But we’re here today to talk about something totally different.

We’re here today to talk about cybersecurity. And I’m going to be the first to admit that when it comes to cybersecurity, I’m not aware of all of the different ways of which a person could have their identity stolen, have money taken away. I don’t know what all those things are. And I think a lot of our listeners have heard the term cybersecurity, but they really don’t understand the complexities behind it.

And so, what I want to try to do today is talk in real layman terms about what does it mean, cybersecurity, and is that how you prefer to talk about cybersecurity or is there cyber danger? What is it that is on your mind?

[00:02:58] Wayne Robinson: I think to your point, Dean, if you don’t know much about it that’s not your fault because you’re still working professionally, right? You hire a firm here at Barber Financial to take care of that so you don’t give it a second thought, right? But if you’re retired and you at home, working on your own technology, you don’t have a firm that’s going to be doing all of the security for you, you’re alone, right?

[00:03:25] Dean Barber: Or even your computers at home, right?

[00:03:27] Wayne Robinson: Your computers at home. You buy a computer. By default, you’re the administrator on your computer, right?

[00:03:33] Dean Barber: What about like personal devices, iPads, iPhones? What about anything like the Alexa, those types of things? Are there threats around those types of devices as well?

[00:03:50] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. So, Alexa…

[00:03:52] Dean Barber: Is it funny?

[00:03:53] Wayne Robinson: It is funny because, by spying standards, Alexa is every spy agency’s dream device, something that is constantly in your home that listens constantly, right? So, if somebody can hack into that device…

[00:04:08] Dean Barber: How would that – I don’t understand how you hack into it though? Help me understand how a person is going to hack into my Alexa device. Yeah.

[00:04:18] Wayne Robinson: So, you think about everything’s Wi-Fi, right? Everything’s wireless and you’re linking to your internet provider and everything works through your internet service. So, somebody can hack into your Wi-Fi connection. They have access to your life. They can listen to everything that you do inside of your home. So, a simple cybersecurity step to take is to make sure that your Wi-Fi router at home is protected to some degree. A lot of people don’t change the password. The default password on a router is admin a lot of the time. So, somebody can hack into your router if you haven’t changed and made your password more complex

[00:05:05] Dean Barber: Okay. So, who’s going to do this? Who wants to log in and listen to somebody’s wife and kids screaming at each other?

[00:05:13] Wayne Robinson: That is a good point. It’s a good point. There’s all kinds of people in the world, right? All kinds make the world go around. But it’s not just to listen to your Alexa to fighting with your wife, right? It’s more than that. Because all of your information connects, right? So, if somebody can hack into your Wi-Fi, they can access everything about your life. They can get into your Google account. It’s all interlinked.

[00:05:44] Dean Barber: So, here’s an example. Let me see if I’m on track here. So, my wife got a new pair of shoes and my sister-in-law was over at the house and they were talking about this new pair of shoes that she got. They may have mentioned the designer that made the shoes, the color or something like that, but they were having a conversation about these shoes.

Ten minutes later, she gets an email about a promotion from this shoe manufacturer. So, does that mean that somebody hacked in there? Or is that just Alexa listening to that conversation and then using the information that it gathers to promote the sale of goods to the consumer? Which one is that? Have I been compromised in that nature?

[00:06:37] Wayne Robinson: No. That’s the nature of the world we live in today. So, it’s constantly listening and you are the product, right? As long as you understand that you the product – so let me reference Marc Goodman real quick, just introduce him to our conversation because he’s the inspiration to our firm as a whole for doing what we’re doing, trying to help clients protect themselves. He’s saying is the most expensive things in life today are free. All of these services, Google gives you a Gmail account with unlimited storage.

Your photos, unlimited storage. That’s not free to them, but it’s free to us. And you got to ask yourself, how is that even possible that they can provide us with all these wonderful services for free? If we read the Terms of Service, we’re basically handing over our lives to Google. Google is turning us into the product. So, they can gather all this data on us and then sell it to advertisers.

So, to your point, in that exact example, your wife was the product. Your device is listening. It’s an algorithm. There’s not some guy sitting there with headphones on listening like we can picture at CIA, right? It’s an algorithm finding keywords, key phrases, and then linking that in this big network of cyber world to a product. And then your advertising campaigns are going to be very specific to what you talk about.

[00:08:07] Dean Barber: So, then that same advertiser maybe ads might show up on her Instagram account or her Facebook account or something like that?

[00:08:19] Wayne Robinson: Right. And the race for big data is whoever owns the data is going to own the world, if you think about it like that. So, Facebook would be a competitor of Google because they want to own the data. So, they’re not all interconnected.

[00:08:35] Dean Barber: But this isn’t financial data. This is just lifestyle data.

[00:08:40] Wayne Robinson: Well, I mean, it’s data. Data is data, right?

[00:08:45] Wayne Robinson: It doesn’t make any sense to me. I mean, is this a security issue then or is this just more of, you know, you come out with the advent of the digital video recorder, the DVR or you can pause live TV or things like that or you can skip through commercials. Is this a way then that advertisers have come up with to target the consumer?

Because they’re skipping through the television commercials and we got XM Radio. We can get through those. I mean, there’s a lot of radio stations I think now that you’re going to be able to pause live radio and you’re going to be able to skip through the commercials on live radio. So, is this how these companies that are gathering this data then. They’re going to make money by the retailers then buying the information and then target who they’re going to market to? Is that the deal?

[00:09:39] Wayne Robinson: That’s exactly right. It’s every advertiser’s dream that they can be very target specific. Somebody’s talking about tires for their car. Let’s send commercials about tires to that person. As opposed to just blanket sending that commercials for tires to a huge audience where maybe a 3% of the audience might be interested, you can have 100% target-specific advertising.

[00:10:09] Dean Barber: So, in that method, maybe it’s a little creepy but I don’t have, I mean, to me, I don’t have an issue with that. If I’m looking for something and somebody says, “Hey, we’ve got your product. It’s right here. We’ve got a better deal than somebody else,” I want to know about it. I may not know to go to search for that. So, I think there’s some people that might think, “Well, that’s pretty cool.”

[00:10:31] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. So, I agree and for me too, I sometimes feel the same way. It’s like, hey, it cuts my search time down significantly. However, where does it go from here? That’s the question, right?

[00:10:47] Dean Barber: Is this where it gets scary?

[00:10:48] Wayne Robinson: This is where it could get scary. So, if all this data is being collected about you and it’s been listened to, how realistic is it to think that in the future when you’re applying for life insurance, some of your data has been recorded that you had an issue, right? Somebody at home might be talking about the fact that they’re depressed and now in antidepressants. Now, you’re applying for life insurance. What are your premiums going to do based on that information that maybe that insurer has purchased?

So, there’s some risks out there to keeping your information private. But I’m like you and I fell into that same camp and a lot of people do. I’ve got nothing to hide. So, why do I care? The reality is everybody has something to hide. We all have something to add. We have intimate moments in our houses that we don’t want anybody to be privy to, right?

[00:11:49] Dean Barber: Right.

[00:11:50] Wayne Robinson: So, yeah, is there a happy balance? Is there a happy medium that we can find between keeping our private lives private and making ourselves available to big data? I don’t know. All I know is that there is an underlying threat. So, this is what I equate it to, and I’m going to ask you, Dean, this question. I’m not going to let you see the answer.

[00:12:17] Dean Barber: Okay.

[00:12:18] Wayne Robinson: In the last 365 days, how many earthquakes have they been in Kansas?

[00:12:25] Dean Barber: 75. I don’t know. I’m guessing.

[00:12:27] Wayne Robinson: Okay. There’s been 450 earthquakes in the last 365 days. There’s been one in the last 24 hours. Seven in the last seven days and 44 in the last 30 days. So, I equate this to cybersecurity. Just because you don’t feel it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening all the time. So, I talk about low hanging fruit. Criminals love to target low hanging fruit. They want the easiest possible route. So, if you can take steps to move yourself up that tree, right? Get yourselves out, maybe reach a little bit, put yourselves higher up in that tree, then you’re eliminating a lot of your risk, right?

[00:13:10] Dean Barber: Okay. But let’s talk about what the risks are, Wayne. What is it that people are trying to do? What are the risks out there that we face? And maybe I’m all wrong here when I think about cybersecurity. So, my wife and I recently took a vacation and we were over in Europe and all of a sudden, we get back and there are charges still going on the credit card.

So, we get the fraud alert. And was this you? You said you were going to return back to the US. Now, we made very clear and called the credit card companies, the credit cards that we knew that we were going to use while we’re in Europe and said we’re going to be in these countries on these days. And we’re going to be back in the United States on this day. And so, that fraud alert came out and somehow, somewhere, someway somebody was able to grab that credit card information. Is that a cybersecurity issue?

[00:14:07] Wayne Robinson: Absolutely. Yeah. And that could just be as simple as somebody at a restaurant taking a copy of your credit card when you paid. So, it might just be straight fraud. They might not be cybersecurity. It could be that that when you logged in at the cafe that you had to purchase maybe your – to book your cab or whatever. I don’t know what you were doing at the time. Maybe a man in the middle attack occurred where somebody intercepted that data and managed to secure your credit card. So, yes, absolutely. That could be part of it. But let me state the obvious risks, okay, that just scream risk and be cautious.

[00:14:47] Dean Barber: I’m ready. All right.

[00:14:48] Wayne Robinson: So, one, which is huge is ransomware.

[00:14:51] Dean Barber: Okay. Ransomware, what is that?

[00:14:54] Wayne Robinson: So, ransomware is where somebody fools you into thinking that’s a real link that you’re clicking on from your bank or from whatever. It’s very realistic. And you simply click on a link. And it could be a real-world event that something like Turkey has invaded Iran. Turkeys invaded Iran. Take this link for more information. So, it’s something that interests you.

And again, big data, people might be targeting you on topics that they think you’re interested in. So, you click the link and immediately malware is installed on your computer that freezes it up. So, completely freezes it. They encrypt it, they hold the key, the decryption key, the criminals, and they insist that you pay and it’s now mostly untraceable cryptocurrency, right? “So, unless you pay us X in cryptocurrency, we’re not going to release your data. And if you don’t pay, you’ll never get your data back.” Your entire world is wiped out.

[00:16:02] Dean Barber: But what data do they have? You said the data that’s on the hard drive of that computer or the hard drive of your cell phone? Or is this…

[00:16:10] Wayne Robinson: It’s advanced not to without do ransomware on your thermostat in your house. If you have a smart thermostat, they can lock that up as well. So, they can lock the thermostat.

[00:16:19] Dean Barber: What?

[00:16:20] Wayne Robinson: Yeah.

[00:16:21] Dean Barber: Come on.

[00:16:21] Wayne Robinson: Yep, yep. And if you don’t pay, you don’t get control of your thermostat.

[00:16:25] Dean Barber: So, it’s wintertime. It’s below zero and I can’t turn my heat on.

[00:16:29] Wayne Robinson: You cannot turn your heat on unless you pay.

[00:16:31] Dean Barber: Well, I would just drive to my local hardware store and get a new thermostat and unplug the old one and put a new one on. That’s easy.

[00:16:40] Wayne Robinson: Yeah, I don’t know if that works.

[00:16:41] Dean Barber: $49, I don’t know. I just buy a normal thermostat that’s not smart anymore.

[00:16:45] Wayne Robinson: Right. You just get out of the smart world, but that is happening.

[00:16:49] Dean Barber: So, that’s a real thing? People are doing that?

[00:16:51] Wayne Robinson: It’s a real thing. It’s a big problem.

[00:16:53] Dean Barber: And so, what do they want? Money?

[00:16:5] Wayne Robinson: Money. They want money. A whole hospital was locked up in Kansas City. The hospital was locked up. Now, think about that for a second. All of the data that got into the hospital network and locked up the entire hospital network requiring that they pay so they can release that information back to the hospital.

[00:17:16] Dean Barber: So, what happened?

[00:17:20] Wayne Robinson: I don’t know what happened.

[00:17:21] Dean Barber: Well, I mean, did the hospital pay or did they catch the person? Did they have someone else that was just as smart on the other side to figure out how to unlock things? Are there police that are looking for this type of thing? What’s going on?

[00:17:35] Wayne Robinson: Yes. There is actually a resource out there that Interpol put out and this is one of the resources that Marc Goodman puts out for folks to use. It’s called No More Ransom and we’ll post that link on the site.

[00:17:53] Dean Barber: Okay. No More Ransom.

[00:17:54] Dean Barber: No More Ransom. So, what they’re doing is they’re breaking ransomware and then posting instructions on how to unbreak ransomware. But that’s on old ransomware. So, there’s new ransomware coming out all the time. Criminals obviously trying to stay ahead of the police. That’s what they do, right? But that’s a resource. So, if you do get locked up, they encourage you not to pay.

And the reason that they said don’t pay is because a lot of the time you pay and there’s a lot of tutorials on how to buy cryptocurrency in the ransomware, right? So, don’t worry if you don’t know how to buy cryptocurrency. The criminals will teach you how to do it.

[00:18:40] Dean Barber: Okay. That was Truman Medical Center. Okay.

[00:18:42] Wayne Robinson: Yep.

[00:18:46] Dean Barber: So, they paid a small amount. Alright. So, Paul just brought that up here. So, they did pay.

[00:18:51] Wayne Robinson: Well, that’s important data, right? I mean, think about that. So, if they hadn’t paid and they never gave them back the information, think of the significance of it.

[00:19:02] Dean Barber: That’s crazy.

[00:19:05] Dean Barber: So, how do they catch these people?

[00:19:07] Wayne Robinson: They don’t. They don’t.

[00:19:09] Dean Barber: I mean, if they’re hacking in and they’re getting in, there’s got to be some sort of electronic some way that they’re able to identify who it is that’s doing or where it’s coming from.

[00:19:21] Wayne Robinson: This is an important point you bring up. You think about crime in the old days. You rob a bank. It’s location-specific. It’s a jurisdiction. I robbed a bank in Benton of Iowa, right? It’s the Benton of Iowa police that’ll try and catch the criminal.

[00:19:42] Dean Barber: I didn’t know you’re a bank robber.

[00:19:45] Wayne Robinson: Think about it now. Think about jurisdiction boundaries now. Think about the way that that something is untraceable. So, your IP address or your MAC address on your device is traceable but you can go to different virtual private networks and links through different virtual, which makes it almost impossible to trace.

[00:20:05] Dean Barber: But the average person doesn’t understand this stuff, Wayne.

[00:20:08] Wayne Robinson: Well, you’re talking about how do you catch these criminals? The criminals do, right? So, the law enforcement has virtually an impossible task. Because if the criminal’s in Russia but he’s performing a crime in the US, who’s going after their criminal?

[00:20:25] Dean Barber: So, it doesn’t have to be somebody domestic?

[00:20:27] Wayne Robinson: No, it’s because most of the time it’s not. That’s the problem with the way the world works today. It’s so global that it’s virtually impossible a lot of the time for law enforcement to track the criminals down.

[00:20:42] Dean Barber: Okay. So, it’s become obvious to me at this point that what you said earlier there, the criminals are going to go after the low hanging fruit, right? And whether it’s stealing your identity, whether it’s doing ransomware, what are some of the other ones? Identity theft, you wrote that down.

So, alright, let’s talk about and we’ve talked about the scary stuff that happens all the time but what I want to know and what I think our listeners really want to know is, how do you move yourself up that tree, that image that you kind of gave there so that you’re no longer the low hanging fruit? They’re not going to come after you or if they do come after you, it’s going to be after they’ve picked up all this other low hanging fruit. What are you supposed to do?

[00:21:25] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. That’s a great question. And when we do a workshop, we kind of address all of these steps, right? Marc put a very, very, very good, well thought out protocol out there.

[00:21:38] Dean Barber: Okay. So, we’re going to provide a link to this protocol in the show notes that will tell people what they should do. Are these steps simple enough that the average person is going to be able to figure it out?

[00:21:49] Wayne Robinson: They are but if they not, there are resources that he provides that allow you to link to different services providers that help you. So, for example, he’ll mention a company called Dashlane as a password management provider.

[00:22:10] Dean Barber: Dashlane.

[00:22:11] Wayne Robinson: So, Dashlane as an example…

[00:22:13] Dean Barber: Is that one free or does that cost money?

[00:22:16] Wayne Robinson: It’s free. It’s free up to a certain number of passwords. Beyond a certain number of passwords, you have to pay but you also have identity theft protection. You have a virtual private network as an option. So, the service can be expanded to cover a lot of different…

[00:22:340] Dean Barber: So, that’d be similar to like a LifeLock type of thing or is that a different deal?

[00:22:39] Wayne Robinson: Similar. The whole identity protections like similar to LifeLock but the Dashlane its initial I think creation was a password manager tool where you have a master password that you make complex. You have to remember one password, right? Just one. You lock that up in your safety deposit box so you never forget what it is. And then for every other password, it generates a very complex, impossible to remember password that it saves for you, right? So, it automatically will log you into Facebook with a very complex password.

[00:23:13] Dean Barber: So, then let’s think about that. So, then what if somebody gets your device? Let’s say you’ve got a laptop and somebody gets a hold of that laptop and they figure out how to get into your laptop. They can then log into all these things if that password thing is remembering it. They’re going to be automatically logged into all that stuff, your bank accounts and all that? Is that dangerous?

[00:23:36] Wayne Robinson: Of course. That’s why there’s steps to take to protect your devices, right? So, if we think about encryption for Windows, BitLocker is a hard drive encryption.

[00:23:48] Dean Barber: Right, which we use.

[00:23:49] Wayne Robinson: Which we absolutely use. You’ve got the same for Mac, right? FileVault is what it’s called. So, you can switch on hard drive encryption, which is absolutely a must to do. So, we do it because we have a company that provides us with these features.

[00:24:07] Dean Barber: What about like the facial recognition software that used on iPhones and other smartphones and those kinds of devices?

[00:24:16] Wayne Robinson: Very, very important. Two-factor authentication is hugely important. So, you password protect your phone.

[00:24:23] Dean Barber: Absolutely.

[00:24:24] Wayne Robinson: A lot of that handheld devices decrypt. They have encryption built-in, right? So, as soon as we get validated that we are who we are through what we know, which is a password, who we are, which is biometrics, fingerprint, facial recognition, then we get validated at decrypts. Once that phone opens up to us, because we’ve identified that we are who we are, everything is encrypted, but prior to that, everything is lockdown. So, a lot of devices are getting better about it. If you don’t have two-factor authentication switched on, on your bank accounts, on your phone, on your computer, switch it on. Absolutely, switch it on. Make sure that you have at least two steps of authentication.

[00:25:13] Dean Barber: So, when you say two-step authentication, you mean that you try to log in and then it sends a text or something to a mobile device with another password?

[00:25:24] Wayne Robinson: Because there’s a couple of things to do, things that you know. What you know is a password. You know that that’s in your head, right? Now, a criminal can hack into your computer and steal your password. Now, they have what you know, right? But if they don’t have what you have, your device, so they get your computer, but then it sends a code for you to log in. And if they don’t have the device in their hand, they have no way to know what that code is.

[00:25:50] Dean Barber: But if you have that device in your hand, then you know somebody else is trying to get into your stuff.

[00:25:53] Wayne Robinson: Yes, exactly. But if you don’t have that two-step authentication, somebody gets the password then you’re done. So, it’s important.

[00:26:02] Dean Barber: Okay. So, you’re saying, number one, let’s get some sort of encryption software that when you originally launched your electronic device, that you have to log into that thing in a way that’s virtually impossible to break.

[00:26:19] Wayne Robinson: Yes. Yeah, exactly.

[00:26:21] Dean Barber: And then do the two-step authentication. So, the way you do try to log in, you get another note in the form of a text or something that’s going to tell you here’s the code you need to punch in.

[00:26:30] Wayne Robinson: Right.

[00:26:33] Dean Barber: So, that’s one of those things that kind of moves you up the tree, prevents you from being a low hanging fruit.

[00:26:38] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. Exactly. There you are. So, here’s another one, updating your software. Think about that for a second. There was a study done by NTT Security. They looked at 6 billion attacks. What they concluded was that 76% of those attacks were on software that was two years outdated, meaning those folks hadn’t updated their software.

[00:27:06] Dean Barber: What kind of software are you talking about?

[00:27:07] Wayne Robinson: When you get your updates on your phone. You have a new version of – you’re Apple, right? iOS, whatever they call it. Whatever it is.

[00:27:17] Dean Barber: Well, I think mine just updates automatically at night when it’s plugged in and hooked up in Wi-Fi.

[00:27:21] Wayne Robinson: Exactly.

[00:27:22] Dean Barber: But there’s a lot of people that aren’t doing that.

[00:27:24] Wayne Robinson: They’re not doing that. 76% of how many billion?

[00:27:27] Wayne Robinson: Six billion attacks.

[00:27:29] Dean Barber: So, 76% of them hadn’t updated their…

[00:27:31] Wayne Robinson: Yes.

[00:27:32] Dean Barber: Oh, my gosh. Well, that’s a pretty simple thing to do.

[00:27:35] Wayne Robinson: Yes. Okay. And you can switch on automatic updates. As to your point, that’s what happens on yours, right?

[00:27:42] Dean Barber: And if you’re retired, you don’t understand this stuff, get your grandkids and they’ll help you, right?

[00:27:47] Wayne Robinson: And they are trying to make these things easy. Exactly. The other funny thing is there are tutorials out there to help people that one of the steps which is setting up a standard user account. So, for that person that’s retired, goes to BestBuy, buys a laptop, goes home, loves their new laptop. It’s fantastic. Don’t realize that by default, they’re the administrator because it’s their device so they have root access, meaning they can install printer drives, whatever. They can install whatever they want on it because it’s theirs. They own it. That’s a very dangerous account to be out on the open Internet with, right?

[00:28:33] Dean Barber: Okay. So, what do you do there?

[00:28:34] Wayne Robinson: So, then you create a standard user account so that if somebody does intercept or hack into you, they don’t have root access to your computer. So, a lot of people don’t really know that and they don’t know how…

[00:28:45] Dean Barber: Root access?

[00:28:46] Wayne Robinson: Root access means they can get to you. They can control. Think about it like that. They can control their computer. They can install whatever they want, root access. The standard user doesn’t have root access. They don’t have administrative rights to make changes. So, if someone hacks you and you are the administrator, they can make changes without you knowing it. If you are on the internet as a standard user and somebody tries to make a change to your computer, you’ll get a pop-up that says, “Hey, you want to install this? Log in as the administrator,” so you know immediately that, “I’m not trying to install ransomware.get$

[00:29:32] Dean Barber: So, I didn’t even know that was a thing. If somebody is buying that new computer, how do you set yourself up as something other than the administrator and then who is the administrator then?

[00:29:43] Wayne Robinson: It’s your computer so you’ll be the administrator.

[00:29:45] Dean Barber: You’re just saying don’t log in online as the administrator?

[00:29:48] Wayne Robinson: As the administrator. Use a standard user account. So, what you do is you go create a new account, right? So, you can…

[00:29:55] Dean Barber: Account where? Account in what?

[00:29:56] Wayne Robinson: Under accounts. So, settings, accounts.

[00:30:00] Dean Barber: Okay. Again, you’re talking to a guy here that, I mean, we hire people to do this stuff, but I’ve got to imagine. Okay. If 76% of people aren’t updating the software on their smartphones, there’s got to be more than 76% of people don’t know what in the world you’re talking about here as far as how to create a new account on their computer as – what did you say just a standard user?

[00:30:20] Wayne Robinson: Standard user.

[00:30:21] Dean Barber: Not an administrator.

[00:30:23] Wayne Robinson: Not an administrator.

[00:30:23] Dean Barber: So, I didn’t know that was a thing.

[00:30:25] Wayne Robinson: It’s a thing. It’s important. So, you do that. Now, you’re moving up that tree. Now, every step we take, we just climb in a little bit higher, a little bit higher.

[00:30:37] Dean Barber: Okay. And again, we’re going to provide links to these details in the show notes so you can get out there and download this stuff and look at it and then start taking some steps to make sure that you’re protecting yourselves.

[00:30:51] Wayne Robinson: Absolutely. Anyone’s welcome to come to the workshop too. It’s a fun workshop.

[00:31:00] Dean Barber: Are we doing any of those workshops virtually so that people that don’t live in Kansas City can join us via a web meeting or something like that?

[00:31:08] Wayne Robinson: We haven’t got one scheduled but I don’t think it’ll be a problem to do one. It’d be pretty easy to do.

[00:31:14] Dean Barber: Okay. Let’s take a quick break. This is The Guided Retirement Show. I’m Dean Barber. We’ll be right back.


[00:31:21] Female: Is thinking about your retirement intimidating? Okay. Let’s get real. The thought of not having to go to work five days a week, traveling, spending time with your grandchildren, basically, doing what you want to do on a daily basis. Well, that’s not scary. However, paying for that retirement lifestyle, well, that can be a little more daunting. The reality is retirement doesn’t have to be scary. And a good place to start is by listening to America’s Wealth Management show hosted by Dean Barber, that’s the guy you’re listening to on this podcast, and Bud Kasper. With over 65 years in the financial industry, Dean and Bud discuss how to live your one best financial life.

And unlike some other radio shows, they don’t talk about investments or the latest get rich financial products. It’s strictly retirement education. Now, there’s a couple of ways to listen. You can download America’s Wealth Management show on your favorite podcast app or if you like to listen or stream your radio shows in real-time, simply go to and find out where and when you can listen to this week’s show. That’s

[00:32:38] Wayne Robinson: There’s been 450 earthquakes in the last 365 days, seven in the last seven days, and 44 in the last 30 days. So, I equate this to cybersecurity. Just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening all the time, right?


[00:33:10] Dean Barber: Welcome back. I’m Dean Barber, Managing Director at Modern Wealth Management, and this is The Guided Retirement Show.

[00:33:16] Wayne Robinson: Backing up. So, the best solution to avoid ransomware is not feeling threatened by not getting your data back. So, if you have a backup, which automatically backs up on a daily basis, you’re not going to lose anything. You might lose a couple of hours of data. Big whoop dee doo. But you have the ability to tell the person that is asking you to pay to get your data back, keep it, wipe it, bring everything back on your backup, right? So, you don’t have to feel…

[00:33:50] Dean Barber: Where are you backing up to?

[00:33:52] Wayne Robinson: You can back up to the cloud. So, what Marc recommends is you back up to the cloud and it’s an encryption service. So, your stuff in the cloud is encrypted.

[00:34:02] Dean Barber: So, this whole thing just sounds like a way for all of these technology companies to make more money. Are we sure that they’re not the ones that are coming up with all this stuff to sell their products?

[00:34:12] Wayne Robinson: They are. There’s all kinds of cases that they have malicious intent embedded in antivirus software. Yeah, there’s a company called – what was it called? It was called Innovative Marketing. It was a company that was $550 billion annual revenue, selling you antivirus software that had the virus embedded in the software. So, at some point, an alarm was triggered. You’ve been infected, big siren going off everyone at work looking at you, because your computer’s just wailing. Call this number and we’ll disinfect your computer. So, you call in and they upsell you to get rid of their own virus. They got busted though.

[00:35:01] Dean Barber: That is infuriating.

[00:35:03] Wayne Robinson: They got busted. They got busted for it.

[00:35:05] Dean Barber: So, do you think there’s more of that that’s going on today that the companies haven’t been caught yet?

[00:35:10] Wayne Robinson: Dean, to your point, one of the steps, the third step in the update protocol is be careful what you download. Because even if we trust the Play Store, or we trust Apple’s App Store, it doesn’t mean that the stuff we’re downloading isn’t infected with malware. A lot of that is. So, there’s some common sense here that when you download and the flashlight app, right? So, you download the free flashlight app and it asks you for access to your contacts, to your network.

[00:35:49] Dean Barber: No.

[00:35:50] Wayne Robinson: It does. It certainly does.

[00:35:52] Dean Barber: Does it?

[00:35:52] Wayne Robinson: Absolutely, it does. You got to ask the question. Why would a flashlight app need access to my contacts, right?

[00:35:58] Dean Barber: So, you just say no?

[00:36:00] Wayne Robinson: So, you say no. You don’t download it. So, in the workshop, we actually go through the 10 best free flashlight apps. I give this as an example at the workshop, the 10 best free with the least amount of permissions required. Okay. These are the 10 best. If you see the permissions required, allow for the app not to allow your phone to shut off, full network access, location access.

[00:36:35] Dean Barber: Why does the flashlight need to know where I’m at?

[00:36:37] Wayne Robinson: Exactly. So, and those are the 10 best presented in a publication specifically.

[00:36:43] Dean Barber: Can we make a link to that publication as well?

[00:36:47] Wayne Robinson: Absolutely. Yeah. So, you can go see permissions required. So, what you download is hugely important. You got to pay attention to the terms of service, right? No one reads them. No one reads.

[00:36:57] Dean Barber: You just say I agree and move on.

[00:36:59] Wayne Robinson: You say I agree and move on. But what we’re agreeing to will mortify us. There was a company out of England that ran a test to see how many people would buy their services based on them tapping into their terms of service that on a day in October, October 31, 2020, they will own your soul. Never ever relinquishing control of your soul again, right? Something crazy like that. Everybody bought the product. No one read the Terms of Service. It was like something like 89% of people that when they put that line in the terms of service still bought the product oblivious to the fact that they just hand it over their soul to this.

[00:37:42] Dean Barber: Now, that wasn’t a real thing, right? That wasn’t exactly what they put in the terms of service. You’re just using that as an example?

[00:37:47] Wayne Robinson: No, no, no. They put that in.

[00:37:49] Dean Barber: That’s what they put in the terms of service? Get out of here. So, what was the point of this test? Just to prove that people are…

[00:37:57] Wayne Robinson: They don’t read it.

[00:37:57] Dean Barber: They don’t read it. Okay.

[00:37:58] Wayne Robinson: Don’t read it. Yeah. And Google Docs, this is a crazy thing. Google Docs, for example, if the author of the Harry Potter series had written and saved her work in Google Docs, Google technically owned it. They own their information. Their terms of service gives them right. LinkedIn, they own everything you post. LinkedIn owns it. If you read the Terms of Service, they own it and they have indefinite rights to it.

[00:38:31] Dean Barber: What do you mean, they own it? What are they going to do with it?

[00:38:34] Wayne Robinson: Whatever they want. They own it. They might do nothing with it but they own it.

[00:38:37] Dean Barber: Who’s looking at all this mountain of data? That’s what’s mind-boggling to me is that if you’ve got billions of people around the world that are using these services, who’s actually going in there and searching for usable data to attack or to do things that are malicious?

[00:38:57] Wayne Robinson: Well, malicious is if you get hacked, right? So, you think about Target, Target being hacked. What information does Target have available to the criminal that hacks them? So, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that everything is malicious, but that data is out there. So, the wrong person grabs this data can use it maliciously.

[00:39:20] Dean Barber: So, do you have any statistics, Wayne? And I know I’m not letting you finish answer that question but my mind is going 100 miles an hour here. What are the statistics on how many people a day are getting hacked and are having issues? Do you know that?

[00:39:36] Wayne Robinson: Well, yeah, I do. How about there are nearly a million new malware threats released every day.

[00:39:44] Dean Barber: What?

[00:39:45] Wayne Robinson: Every day, a million new. One million new malicious threats, malware threats released per day around the world by hackers. These are malicious. So, this is malicious threats. So, you think about trying to stay ahead of that.

[00:40:06] Dean Barber: So, it’s not just a couple of dudes out there that are…

[00:40:07] Wayne Robinson: No. It’s big data.

[00:40:10] Dean Barber: Is this organized crime? Is this just an individual sitting out there doing stuff? I mean, what is this?

[00:40:16] Wayne Robinson: 80% of hackers are now working with organized crime, 80% of them. So, its organized crime to a large degree.

[00:40:25] Dean Barber: If they know that, then why aren’t they doing something about it?

[00:40:28] Wayne Robinson: Well, they’re trying. We are. Here we are. Here we sit. You and I sit here. We try and do something about it.

[00:40:32] Dean Barber: But all we’re doing is building awareness that people need to protect themselves.

[00:40:36] Wayne Robinson: Well, what else can you do?

[00:40:37] Dean Barber: I don’t know. What can authorities do? I mean, there’s got to be a way to stop this.

[00:40:42] Wayne Robinson: Again, going back to whose jurisdiction, who works, you know, you almost need a global law enforcement designed to – maybe that exists. I don’t know that it does or doesn’t but they would be the answer to the problem. Because you can have no jurisdiction and then where do you punish the crime? So, if a criminal in Russia steals money from the bank in New York City, right?

[00:41:13] Dean Barber: What are you going to do?

[00:41:14] Wayne Robinson: What are you going to do? What are you going to do? A crime is scaled, this is the problem.

[00:41:18] Dean Barber: So, you need extradition rights. You need all kinds of things that are…

[00:41:21] Wayne Robinson: Yeah.

[00:41:24] Dean Barber: Is there anything out there that is at least detouring the criminals? Is what deters the criminals more what you do on your own?

[00:41:35] Wayne Robinson: Lack of success. Exactly. I mean, if there’s no success in it, the criminals will eventually go away. They have to feed their families.

[00:41:43] Dean Barber: So, as the individual understanding what’s going on out there and protecting themselves in mass, that will begin to reduce the success and therefore potentially reduce the cybercrime.

[00:41:54] Wayne Robinson: That’s what I believe. That’s the way that I interpret it.

[00:41:58] Dean Barber: Alright. So, you gave out in our last workshop these little camera covers that have a little slider on them that open up so that then you can see the camera. So, if you’re doing a web meeting and you want to share your camera with somebody, they can see you, you can see them, that type of a thing. But otherwise, you want that thing closed so that your camera isn’t on all the time. Why?

[00:42:23] Wayne Robinson: Because you just don’t know if someone’s watching you or not.

[00:42:26] Dean Barber: How would they watch you?

[00:42:27] Wayne Robinson: Because they can. They can. So, I don’t know the full scope of it but the NSA has got unbelievable capabilities to hack into technology, right? We know that just because of the report that was released beyond the scope of that.

[00:42:47] Dean Barber: Okay. So, they can see you. Can they hear you?

[00:42:50] Wayne Robinson: Of course. They can see you. They can hear you. It’s alarming. So, and you don’t know. And again, malicious or not, you don’t want anybody watching you in your intimate moments, right? So, you have nothing to hide sitting in your office. I don’t care if Joe Schmo was sitting in his office in NSA having some fun with his buddies hacking in and they’re like, “Look at this guy sitting at his desk,” and you don’t know. And they also have the ability to switch their webcam light on or off. This is an example of Miss Teen USA in Marc’s Future Crime book that he talks about where one of her classmates had access to her webcam and been watching her for months. And there’s a crime called sextortion, which is just horrific by its nature.

[00:43:41] Dean Barber: Sextortion?

[00:43:42] Wayne Robinson: Sextortion.

[00:43:45] Dean Barber: Sound different than extortion. Is there basically what are they doing? Selling videos or pictures or what are they doing?

[00:43:55] Wayne Robinson: I mean, one of the stories that was most impactful was this little Canadian girl, Amanda Todd was her name, that was referenced in the Future Crimes book.

[00:44:04] Dean Barber: Okay. Wait. Hold on. Future Crimes book?

[00:44:07] Wayne Robinson: That’s Marc Goodman’s book that he wrote.

[00:44:09] Dean Barber: It’s called Future Crimes. Let’s put a link to where people can go purchase that book that are out on our show notes to Future Crimes.

[00:44:15] Wayne Robinson: He opens the book with the opening to The Matrix, right? Red pill, blue pill. Take the red pill, put the book down, continue with your life blissfully tomorrow. Or take the blue pill, continue into this book and I’ll just reveal the truth to you but your world will forever be different. I bought the book. Which pill am I taking?

[00:44:38] Dean Barber: You took the blue pill.

[00:33:39] Wayne Robinson: I took the blue pill. And you know. You remember how crazy I was around the office for a while. I was all freaked out by it, right?

[00:44:45] Dean Barber: Yeah. Well, it sounds like legitimately so. I mean, if this stuff, you know what you’re saying and there’s no reason without what you’re saying is actually true, but I mean, it’s frightening to think that there’s all those people out there that are actually interested in you or me or…

[00:45:01] Wayne Robinson: There’s all kinds of weird people out there. So, this Amanda Todd gets befriended and she thinks by one of her peers. She doesn’t know the person on the other side. He’s projecting himself to be something that he was not. So, she mistook him as one of her peers. And he was very complimentary to her, built her trust, and then he convinced her to flash her boobs, okay. Taking pictures of this all the while and then use that to sextort her. So, he said, “If you don’t continue to perform sexual acts in front of your webcam, I will release these pictures to your entire contact list and everybody in your school.”

[00:45:41] Dean Barber: Wow.

[00:45:43] Wayne Robinson: So, she chose not to but he released all of that information anyway. She was bullied so severely to the point that she ended up taking her life. She committed suicide. How impactful is that story, right? That’s sextortion. They ended up catching that guy.

[00:45:58] Dean Barber: I was going to say I hope they did.

[00:46:00] Wayne Robinson: I just couldn’t wait to get to that part in the book like did they catch him? And he was a pedophile in the Netherlands. So, she’s in Canada. He’s in the Netherlands. He’s a 38-year-old that was convicted of this crime, but he had been doing that to people all around the world. She wasn’t the only victim. So, that’s sextortion. It happens. Unfortunately, it happens but this is…

[00:46:28] Dean Barber: So, this is why you cover up your camera.

[00:46:30] Wayne Robinson: This is why you cover up your camera because for that Miss Teen USA, she would have solved her problem, I mean, obviously the guy’s hacked into her webcam, which is a big problem, but if she had a little sticky note covering her webcam, problem solved. Obviously, she obviously wants to get the person out of her computer looking at her through her webcam. But one of those little sliders that we give out, yeah, you just never know. So, you take a small simple step. You cover off your webcam and you uncover it when you need it.

[00:47:03] Dean Barber: Okay. So, this is another way you can raise yourself up in a tree, get rid of low hanging fruit.

[00:47:07] Wayne Robinson: There it is. Exactly right.

[00:47:09] Dean Barber: All right. What else? What’s the next thing?

[00:47:11] Wayne Robinson: Turning off, right? At a minimum, if you’re not using Wi-Fi, disconnect it, right?

[00:47:20] Dean Barber: So, let’s go some here. If you’re using a device that has a cellular connection, is that as easy to hack into as if you’re using a Wi-Fi connection?

[00:47:27] Wayne Robinson: No. I would say that your cellular connection through your provider is a lot more secure than a lot of, especially public Wi-Fi.

[00:47:38] Dean Barber: So, okay, public Wi-Fi is a big deal and then if you haven’t made a good passcode into your home Wi-Fi, then it’s going to be easy for people to hack into there.

[00:47:48] Wayne Robinson: Right.

[00:47:50] Dean Barber: Okay. Cool. That’s how they really getting into this data.

[00:47:53] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. There’s an activity called wardriving where people can drive around and find Wi-Fi signals. So, that’s why it’s important that you kind of keep your signal strength kind of toned to your facility because if you have a strong signal that’s projecting outside of the building and someone goes by and they can pick that up, and you haven’t got a strong password and they can figure out what the password is, they can hack into your Wi-Fi.

[00:48:22] Dean Barber: So, if you see somebody driving slowly in front of your house, is that what they’re doing? They’re just not admiring the beauty of the outside your house. Do you think is that possible?

[00:48:32] Wayne Robinson: It’s possible. If it’s not the Postal Service truck, yeah, anything’s possible. Driving slowly. It’s possible. But it’s very simple if you change the name so I changed the name of my Wi-Fi identifier so you have here it could be Bob or financial guest or main. So, that’s the name of our Wi-Fi that people then will identify when they come in. I changed mine to a name that I wanted to scare people off. You’ll see FBI or CIA, just silly little things, right? It’s like the steering lock on your steering wheel.

[00:49:15] Dean Barber: Yeah.

[00:49:16] Wayne Robinson: Those things are pathetic but they work just enough to keep honest people honest, right? But if there was someone they wanted to steal a car and you had a steering lock on yours, but the car in front of it, didn’t.

[00:49:28] Dean Barber: They’re going to go with one that doesn’t.

[00:49:29] Wayne Robinson: They’re going to go with that one, right? So, it’s just little things that all add up. And the goal of this exercise following these and the seven things to do. So, it’s not complicated, right? And I’ll go through all of them here in a minute. But Marc feels that if you can adopt all seven of these, you’ll eliminate 85% of your risk, which is a pretty good, pretty big number.

[00:49:53] Dean Barber: That’s big. I mean, if you knew that there was something that you could do from a diet standpoint that would reduce your risk of cancer by 85%, I would do it.

[00:50:05] Wayne Robinson: You would do it. Yeah. You would do it. And he doesn’t want people to feel like it’s out of the realm of possibility that it’s that complicated that maybe Joe at home at 78 years old with a laptop cannot implement every single one of these steps.

[00:50:22] Dean Barber: All right. Well, let’s just briefly go through these and then let everybody know that we’re going to provide a link to these so that you can actually download and look at it and then start to do these things yourselves.

[00:50:32] Wayne Robinson: Update frequently, right? We talked about that. Passwords password. Your password is hugely important. And I do a demonstration in the workshop where I show what a hash is, which is a jibber-jabber. So, if your password which still, ironically, the most commonly used password today is still password, one of the top four…

[00:50:53] Dean Barber: What? Come on.

[00:50:5] Wayne Robinson: And it hasn’t been for the longest time, right?

[00:50:57] Dean Barber: What’s number one? Admin?

[00:51:00] Wayne Robinson: So, it keeps changing. No, not admin. So, yeah, I’ll read these to you. So, in 2011, the number one password used was password, no caps, just password. 123456 was second, 12345678 was third. And Qwerty, Q-W-E-R-T-Y was fourth. And that’s just going on your keypad Q-W-E-R-T-Y across the top of the keypad.

[00:51:30] Dean Barber: I guess these are some pretty creative people creating these passwords.

[00:51:32] Wayne Robinson: Okay. So, that’s 2011 and I go year-by-year in the workshop to say, “Watch out. People have advanced.” So, as I jumped out to 2019 the most commonly used password in 2019 is 123456. Then it’s 12345678 and it’s QWERTY, and then fourth is password still. This is from 2011. It hasn’t changed much. Right? So, and I think this is…

[00:51:58] Dean Barber: So, you don’t really have to be very smart to log in to a lot of these people’s – okay. So, these are the top four. So, what percentage of passwords out there do these top four make up? Is it half the passwords? 20%? Is it 80%? What’s the deal? Do you know that?

[00:52:13] Wayne Robinson: I don’t know the percentage, but they must have run, maybe a brute force exercise where they just took an algorithm that’s just blanketing trying to log into a lot of different things using a password. And I wonder if because they actually put a finite number, 23.2 million users had 123456.

[00:52:36] Dean Barber: So, there’s 23.2 million low hanging fruit individuals right there.

[00:52:40] Wayne Robinson: Exactly. Exactly.

[00:52:42] Dean Barber: And then another 7.7 million and 3.8 million and 3.6 million. So, we’re at a total of 40 million people that have those top four passwords.

[00:52:55] Wayne Robinson: Low hanging fruit, right?

[00:52:56] Dean Barber: Yeah.

[00:52:57] Wayne Robinson: Yep. So, all of you listeners out there just by changing your password, you’re moving up that low hanging fruit tree.

[00:53:02] Dean Barber: All right. Now, so you showed me something one time, Wayne, and I want to end with this. You showed me something one time about how to make a strong password about using like numbers and special characters and these types of things. Can you talk a little bit about maybe some things that people should know when it comes to building a strong password?

[00:53:25] Wayne Robinson: Absolutely. So, in the workshop, I demonstrate how easy it is to crack from a hash. This is a password that’s been encrypted. And this is a free service. So, you’ve tapped a password at hashes and you can pick your encryption method. You can make it as complicated as you want. I was using in the workshop, Sure512, which is a very, very, very long sequence of letters and numbers that jumbles up a password into a ton of digits, right? So, you copy that long list of digits and you put it into a hash cracker, which is free service to see how long it takes for just this free service to decrypt that password.

When I type password in, just as it’s typed here, password, it’s instantaneous, correct? If I take the O and put it as a number, so here we’re building security into a password. So, take the O for a word and make it a number, it decrypts it instantaneously. Not strong enough, right? If I capitalize the P and still put a number in the O, encrypts it instantaneously. The minute I put the symbol in that password “password” so I divide the P, capital P-A-S-S and I put the @ emblem or $ or whatever, right? And then W the number 0 R-D. It cannot decrypt it.

[00:54:58] Dean Barber: Really?

[00:54:59] Wayne Robinson: So, just by adding that symbol.

[00:55:01] Dean Barber: So, that’s why the special character and a number are so critical when you say some of these places are saying, “You have to have this in your password.” Now, this is like when you’re logging into a bank account or when you’re trying to go to something online, they require you to have these special symbols, but what you’re saying is, people should be doing this on their own devices or to their Wi-Fi networks so that hackers can’t get into the Wi-Fi network. That’s what you’re saying.

[00:55:33] Wayne Robinson: See, look how far we’ve come in 35 minutes, Dean.

[00:55:38] Dean Barber: More like 52 minutes but, yeah.

[00:55:41] Wayne Robinson: Exactly. Right. And that’s not enough. Right. So, is password enough? No. So, you create a strong password for your bank and then you still enable two-factor authentication.

[00:55:53] Dean Barber: I got you.

[00:55:56] Wayne Robinson: See how far up we’ve moved up there in the safe tree?

[00:55:59] Dean Barber: I got a lot of work to do, Wayne. Hey, this has been good. And listen, so The Guided Retirement Show is always all about trying to help you be your guide through a very successful retirement. You all only have one life to live. You want to live it to the fullest. And you want to be able to do all the things you could do. And we know that one of the things that can mess you up is something get in the way of your security and that’s why we decided to do this podcast here on cybersecurity.

Wayne Robinson, Financial Advisor of Modern Wealth Management, I really appreciate you taking time to come in and share your thoughts, your expertise and the information with our listeners. Remember, go to the show notes and pick up all the different pieces that we got out there. And would you say read that book of Marc’s at your own risk?

[00:56:46] Wayne Robinson: I would encourage everybody to read it because it is terrifying and very, very insightful. And he’s an optimist, so he’s not pessimistic about the future of the world. So, yes, there’s some horrible, terrifying stories in that book, but in the end, if we can just harness the power of what we’re creating.

[00:57:05] Dean Barber: Right. So, it’s a reality check.

[00:57:07] Wayne Robinson: It’s a reality.

[00:57:07] Dean Barber: Okay. Subscribe to The Guided Retirement Show on your app now. Share this episode with everybody you know. People need to know this. And as Wayne said earlier, the more people that are aware of this and that are protecting themselves and moving themselves up from the low hanging fruit, if we get the 40 million people to get off these stupid passwords that are instantaneously cracked, we go a long way in curbing that cybercrime.

[00:57:35] Wayne Robinson: Yeah. It’s so funny. When we did the last workshop, I asked the question, has anybody in this room, and we had a full house, right, been impacted by ransomware? And a couple of people never had been impacted by ransomware. Unfortunately, the one person that was brave enough to describe his event, he had been infected by ransomware twice. So, the first time he took it to a computer repair shop, if you will, and they actually figured out a way to unwind the ransomware and the second time he goes, he saw it loading, “You’ve been infected by ransomware,” and he pulled the plug on his computer. Unplugged it. Cut power off. And when you plugged it back in, couple minutes later, the ransomware was gone.

[00:58:23] Dean Barber: Oh, wow. All right. Good stuff, Wayne. Thank you.

[00:58:28] Wayne Robinson: You bet. Thanks, Dean.


[00:58:30] Dean Barber: So, that was Wayne Robinson. Again, he’s a financial advisor here at Modern Wealth Management teaching us in a relatively short period of time quite a lot about cybersecurity. And I don’t know about you, but it’s made me think about the security that I have on just about every device that I own. I’ve shared this information with my children. I’ve shared it with friends and family and I encourage you to do the same. This is important information. You need to protect yourself and you need to make sure that you get it done right.

So, in the show notes of this section, you’ll check out a link to our website,, where you can find any upcoming workshops that Wayne is presenting on cybersecurity or perhaps you can find one that he’s doing via the internet. So, find the show notes, links to resources, and show transcription at That’s I hope you enjoyed The Guided Retirement Show here.

And as always, I’m going to encourage you to subscribe to our podcast and share our podcast with your friends and relatives.


Investment advisory service is offered through Modern Wealth Management, an SEC-registered investment advisor.

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Investment advisory services offered through Modern Wealth Management, Inc., an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.

The views expressed represent the opinion of Modern Wealth Management an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Information provided is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute investment, tax, or legal advice. Modern Wealth Management does not accept any liability for the use of the information discussed. Consult with a qualified financial, legal, or tax professional prior to taking any action.