Understanding Risk is Crucial
Get a Portfolio Risk Analysis
We know these are stressful times, and not just in the investment world. Nobody enjoys uncertainty, especially when it concerns the wellbeing of our loved ones and ourselves. And if we can provide even just a little bit of knowledge when it comes to your retirement, then we are happy to do so.
Volatility is unavoidable when it comes to the markets. Black swan events such as the COVID-19 cause far more than normal volatility. In times like these, it is critical that every person, regardless of age, understands what they own and what the true risks are.
During this time, you may have questions regarding your investments and how much risk you currently have in your portfolio. To better understand where you are positioned, I invite you to get a free risk analysis on your portfolio right from the comfort of your home. Fill out the form and you will be redirected to one of the risk analysis tools we use with our clients every day. After you complete the self-assessment, our relationship manager will contact you to collect portfolio data, and then one of our advisors will call and walk you through your report. Our goal is to help you understand your risks so you can make informed and intelligent decisions.
Get My Risk Assessment
Want to Learn More About Portfolio Risk?
Dean Barber and Brad Kasper, President & CFO of LSA Portfolio Analytics, have a conversation on our podcast, The Guided Retirement Show, about How to Assess Risk in Your Portfolio. You can find it on our website, YouTube, or your favorite podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Don’t forget to subscribe!